At St Patrick’s, we aim to offer a relevant, broad, vibrant, and ambitious Modern Foreign Language curriculum which build knowledge, understanding and application progressively throughout the Primary phase. We believe that learning a second language provides pupils with the opportunity to explore relationships between language and identity and develops a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world they live in.
Our MFL curriculum is designed to enable children to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts, laying down solid foundations for future language learning and also helping children improve their overall attainment in other subjects. Our ultimate aim is to inspire children to continue studying languages beyond Key Stage 2.
We use Language Angles as the framework for our MFL planning and have collaboratively evaluated the curriculum as MFL leaders across the MAC to ensure that it fulfils the National Curriculum. To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in MFL, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout Key Stage Two. MFL will be taught through explicit modelling, resources and prior knowledge being built on. Pupils will build on previous knowledge gradually as their foreign language lessons continue to revise and consolidate previously learnt language whilst building on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The language skills are developed through a multi-sensory approach such as rhymes, songs, stories and repetition.
Our MFL curriculum is engaging, enjoyable, well-resourced and planned to demonstrate progression through Key Stage 2. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through: Pupil discussions about their learning through the use of pupil voice; monitoring and reflection against subject-specific skills defined in each year of study; children applying their knowledge of language to other areas of the curriculum; children applying their cultural understanding and tolerance across society and cultures.